Monday 23 July 2007

School's Out For Summer

OK, so school broke up only a couple of days ago and already you can hear "I'm bored" and "I've got nothing to do Mum". Not only do they have a bedroom full of toys, a PS2 and sky tv, but they also have loads of friends too all in the same boat. So after a bit or pursuasion (and foot stamping) I eventually managed to get them to tidy their room, on the promise that they could have friends over. Who said bribary doesn't work?!?
As usual I had a mad rush last week to get the teachers pressies done in time. i was quite happy to go and buy a bottle and a box of choccies, but the boys were having none of it and wanted me to make something out of "Mum's Special Paper". So that's what I did. Here's some piccies of the finished products. A covered note book, a jar of sweets and a post it holder. I loved making the post it holders out of an acrylic photo frame and I'm planning on making a few more soon. They were so quick and easy to make. Must admit though, not all of the sweets made it into the jars after the boys had got their hands on them!
Do you ever wonder though if hand made items are appreciated? Oh well, too late to worry now!

Sunday 15 July 2007

Where does the time go....

I can't believe its been nearly a month since my last post. Sorry, I really am Britains Worst Blogger. I don't even have the excuse that I've been busy! I just don't seem to have done anything exciting enough to blog about! Anyone else ever feel that way?

I've not been scrapping again either, however I have finished off two CJ's today. Here's a little pic of one, which will be on it's way home to UKScrappers Batgirl as soon as i can get to the post office. Hope you like it Rachel. Sorry, it's a bit of a crappy pic, but it is nearly midnight! As this CJ is on its way home now, I'm only in one CJ on UK Scrappers. I've decided to finish the one that I'm in and then call it a day for a while. I just don't seem to get time to scrap for me and the only creative thing I do is CJ's. So hopefully by cutting down on them, I'll actually get some pages in these albums that I have here!

I seem to have found a new passion lately - baking! Which really is not good when you're a member of Slimming World, with a fair few pounds still to loose. I made a huge Victoria Sandiwch the other day, stuffed with loads of buttercream and it really was delicious, even if i say so myself. It must have been OK as Michael enjoyed it, and he's not usually a cake eater.
Kiean has asked if I'll make his and Jordans birthday cake for their party next month. Not sure if I'm ready for that though, I think i need to go and find a nice easy party cake to follow! Watch this space and I'll let you know how I get on. Here's the cake that I made the other night, want a slice???? :-)