Friday 25 May 2007

A new Favourite

Wow! I've just discovered the wonderful Her Space : My Space blog, and although I'm not the worlds greatest photographer I'm going to give it a go. Not sure about todays 'Spoon' prompt but I'll start from tomorrow!


You Shall Go To The Ball

Well, Saturday was just the best day ever. The day started early with a trip to the hairdressers at 0830, to make me look beautiful for the conference and ball. I have the most wonderful hairdresser and just wanted to put him in my bag and take him home with me!

My works conference and ball was held at The Birmingham Hilton this year and the day was great. OK, so the work side of it was a little boring in the daytime, but the night time ball was fab. Don't even ask how many brandy's I managed to drink, but I know I had a good time and didn't get to my room until 4 in the morning! Roll on 2008 for another great ball!

Here's a few pics for you. Not the best, as I completely forgot to take any until a few brandy's had been consumed!

Sorry about the pose on the close up pic. I have no idea what I was doing!!!

Thursday 17 May 2007

My CJ Came Home

I was recently lucky enough to be involved in a LOVE/HATE CJ with a wonderful group of ladies from UKScrappers. My book was what you love/hate about being a woman and I've had some gorgeous entries in my CJ. Thought I'd share them all with you. Think you'll agree that they are just gorgeous!
Roz (RozRoz)

Michelle (Mouse1981)

Jacquie (Krystal Majik)

Hannah (Noodle)

Lynne (Georgia Mudfudge)

My CJ Came Home

Here's the last few pics, couldn't get them all on one post!

Anne-Marie (Wyrdthing)

Beth (Bethlee)
Claire (Castey)

Emma (EmmaK)

If any of the CJ group are reading this, Thank You so much for a gorgeous CJ.

Tuesday 15 May 2007

I am such a good girl.....

Well I don't know what's come over me but I completed another CJ entry tonight. Thats me all up to date now. Now that the CJ's are done, I really must do some scrapping for ME. I've still got loads of kits from Self-Addressed that I must get through. I've made a promise to myself that I'm not going to buy any more stash until my holiday in September! And then I'm going to spend, spend, spend!Here's a few sneaky pics from Scally's CJ that I've just completed. Her theme is 'If I could offer you one tip for the future'. This one really made me think, and i really enjoyed doing it. Thanks Scally. Not sure whats happened to the colour on the pics. It's very pink in real life!

Monday 14 May 2007

More than a week!

I can't believe a week has gone by without me blogging. I am sooo naughty!

Had a bad, bad hair day on Saturday! I decided to dye my hair back to a dark brown but it went seriously wrong. It was so dark, almost black. I just stood staring in the mirror, thinking OMG! So Sunday I rushed out to buy another dye and it's kind of worked. Well lets just say that it's not as dark as it was!
Finished a CJ entry tonight for Craftymama's War Movies CJ. Just a little sneak peak for you incase she drops by!!!

Saturday 5 May 2007


Oooh, I've been tagged by the lovely Jane, and I need to blog 7 things about me!

  1. I have a bad phobia of anything that flies, birds being my worst.
  2. I was once a Nursery Nurse, but decided that one day I'd had enough and have worked in an office ever since!
  3. I have twin boys who are 6 years old.
  4. When I get nervous, scared or unsure of anything I have terrible giggling fits. It can be sooo embarassing!
  5. I talk in my sleep. No secrets in our house!
  6. I love, love, love dark Chocolate.
  7. My dream is to visit every state in the USA. Oh well, we can dream!

Well thats a few things about me that you probably never knew!

Wednesday 2 May 2007

So Excited!

No Scrapping for me tonight! I've just made a call to Disney in Florida to book our "Mickeys's Not So Scary Halloween Party" (MNSSHP) tickets. Now I know we're over in Disney in September, and thats way before the official Halloween night, but the MNSSHP starts on September 14th (which is a few days before we travel back) and I just couldn't resist getting the tickets. This one's going to be a surprise for the boys though, we're not going to tell them about it. I'm not quite sure who's more excited about the holiday at the moment - me or the boys! :-) I also paid off the holiday tonight. My poor old Credit Card has a right bashing! just need to sort out the SeaWorld tickets and the car hire and thats us all done! Roll on September.

Tuesday 1 May 2007

I managed a LO!!!

Well, anyone that knows me in the scrapping world will know that my mojo has gone completely out of the window. I don't know whats wrong with me! It was the CC on UKScrappers at the weekend and not even that could get me motivated! However, it looks as though the wonderful Jane may have kicked me into action. It was her idea on UKScrappers that we have a team challenge to use up some old Basic Grey Papers, and thats how this LO for my BOM was born. Very simple I know, but it's a step in the right direction.

Thanks Jane :-)